I don't feel sad, I don't feel down, even I don't feel heart broken. Because I knew... I knew you'll came back to me, and I have your trust being a good boy. Don't worry.
For all this time, I've been appreciated and joyful for all the time we have been gone through together. Things like we share and we argue, we like and dislike, we loved and we hugs, we fight and we cry, we cook and we gain weight, we sleep but no exercise. All this precious moment are priceless and memorable. But there is a consequences for all this things - tighten our relationship.
You have change my life, my thought and for the most is my mind set. Matured is the word that I can describe. I really looking forward for our future. From the big land that we dream of to a country-house that we going to design together.
Thank you. Thank you being you.